Build Muscle Burn Fat


What is it?
EMSCULPT NEO is an applicator based treatment that simultaneously emits synchronized RF and HIFEM+ energies to gain muscle tone & volume, while causing apoptosis of the subcutaneous fat.
This combo also leads to a decrease in visceral fat over time, thus making it the ideal treatment for functional health and longevity. 
How does it work
Radiofrequency increases the temperature in subcutaneous fat to cause permanent damage and slowly removed from the body. 
Bypassing the brain's limitations, HIFEM+ contracts the muscle fibers at intensities that are not achievable during a voluntary workout, increasing the number and volume of muscle fibers.
Each session is 30 minutes long on each area, performed one area at a time. 
We recommend a minimum of SIX treatments done every 5-7 days apart. 
Avoid exercises of the area being treated the day of treatment and the day before. Routine exercises can be re-initiated the day after treatment as tolerated.
Treatment areas

Emsculpt Neo Treatment Areas | Emsculpt Neo| Andromeda Medspa01.Abdomen  02.Flanks  03.Buttocks  04.Biceps   05.Triceps  

  06.Outer Thighs  07.Inner Thighs  08.Front Thighs 09.Back Thighs 10.Calves

30% Subcutaneous Fat Reduction
25% Increased Muscle Volume

Increased Muscle Strength

No Downtime
No Pain
Each session is equivalent to 3-4 hours of moderate intensity exercise of that area
maintain results
Routine dietary and exercise practices are needed to maintain results. The treatment can be used as a booster anytime, as often as needed. 
Everyone is a potential candidate for treatment.
Check with our providers during consultation for optimizing your results and achieving your goals safely and efficiently. 
Cannot be treated if the following conditions are present:
• Electronic implants (such as cardiac pacemakers, defibrillators
and neurostimulators)
• Metal implants
• Drug pumps
• Malignant tumor
• Pulmonary insufficiency
• Application over muscles in acute phase of injury
• Severe Cardiovascular diseases
• Severe Disturbance of temperature or pain perception
• Severe Hemorrhagic conditions
• Septic conditions and empyema
• Acute Systemic or local infection such as osteomyelitis and tuberculosis or Contagious skin disease
• During pregnancy, postpartum and nursing period
• potential contraindication with Graves’ disease or other auto-immune conditions
Please check with our medical providers to confirm eligibility for treatment. 
Treatment can be combined with EmFace, EmSella, Red Light Lipo-Laser, Hormone replacement therapy, and many more to achieve a Stronger, Youthful & Functional outcomes. 
Core to Floor Logo Emsculpt Neo Emsella | Emsculpt Neo Emsella | Andromeda Medspa

2 Revolutionary treatments done together for optimal Body Core Strengthening

Emsculpt Neo Infographic Weight Loss| Emsculpt Neo| Andromeda Medspa

Build & Tone Muscles while losing weight with GLP1 and other medical  treatments 

Total Tone Up Logo Emsculpt Neo Emface | Emsculpt Neo Emface | Andromeda Medspa

2 Revolutionary treatments done together for Aesthetic & Functional Wellness

Before and After EMSCULPT NEO

Combine with EMSCULPT NEO

Pricing and packages EMSCULPT NEO


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